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Computer "scientist"

Alex Clemmer is a computer programmer. Other programmers love Alex, excitedly describing him as "employed here" and "the boss's son".

Alex is also a Hacker School alum. Surely they do not at all regret admitting him!

Adding Haskell's `where` keyword to OCaml

August 19, 2013

I’ve recently been learning OCaml in my free time at the Hacker School space.

Normally, if you want to define multiple variables in OCaml, you chain a bunch of lets together. This works in roughly the same way lisp’s let and let* work:

(* OCaml function, computes (x+2)*2 *)
let foo x = let y = x+2 in
            let z = y*2 in

Gross. That returns z if you didn’t catch it—it’s not very readable.

In Haskell, there is a convenient solution to this problem: the where keyword.

-- if we were writing this in Haskell:
foo x = z
  where y = x+2
        z = y*2

Way better. We can clearly see we’re returning z, and it is obvious how we computed z.

Unfortunately, while this is idiomatic in Haskell, vanilla OCaml does not support where.

Because I miss this feature greatly, I decided to extend OCaml to support this feature.

The core control logic of this patch is about 6 lines of code, but the total patch is about 30 lines of code, due to scaffolding. (Full source available here, language extension code specifically is here.) Practically speaking, even if you don’t know that much about OCaml or Haskell, you can still understand this!

Here I’ll walk through the process of building such extension.

OCaml Syntax extensions, the 10,000-foot view

Extensions to OCaml core syntax are added in a step that happens just before compilation. It is called preprocessing.

Preprocessing works a lot like lisp’s macro system. We take as input some OCaml source with our new modified syntax (e.g., the where keyword), and transform it into “regular” OCaml. From here, it gets passed to the regular OCaml compiler, and turned into a real binary.

So, for example, say you wrote this silly program using where syntax.

(* new OCaml `where` syntax *)
let x = z
  where y = 10 and
        z = 20

(Aside: you may have noticed that our where syntax includes an and separating the y case and the z case. This is a difference between our OCaml syntax and the Haskell syntax, and it exists for technical reasons. Disregard it for now, we will see why this is true in a minute.)

When we pass this source off to the build system, it gets magically turned into the equivalent but uglier program below, which obeys “normal” OCaml syntax rules.

(* transformed to "regular" OCaml syntax *)
let x =
  let y = 10 in
  let z = 20 in

We turn the pretty program into this ugly version only so that the OCaml compiler can turn it into a binary. But the user never sees this modified program—all they see is the code they wrote with where, and then a binary that just works. Because this transformation step is invisible, it seems like OCaml itself supports where!

This leaves the question of how to actually perform this transformation.

At a high level, we want to:

  1. augment the OCaml parser to recognize this new where syntax in source code, and
  2. upon finding an example of such syntax, simply transforming it directly into the equivalent set of lets

As we will see, the complete control logic for both of these steps is about 6 lines of code. Not so complicated! The rest of the ~30 lines of our patch file is just scaffolding.

Getting familiar with the OCaml grammar

Augmenting the OCaml grammar generally begins by looking at the OCaml parser (e.g., v3.12.1), which specifies the grammar. This is because adding a syntax extension involves inserting new rules into the OCaml grammar.

Note that the official OCaml parser is implemented in a so-called revised version of OCaml (source here). So, while the revised OCaml reads a lot like regular OCaml, just note it’s actually a bit more than vanilla OCaml.

Here’s where poking around the source actually pays off for us.

If you actually look through the revised parser, you’ll eventually see that it does implement a weakened version of where (located here). Don’t worry about what this code means just yet—we’ll go through it in a bit:

      [ "top" RIGHTA
<... omitted code here ...>
      | "where"
        [ e = SELF; "where"; rf = opt_rec; lb = let_binding ->
            <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $e$ >> ]

But then, in the official OCaml parser, at the bottom of the file (here) the where keyword is actually deleted! So it has the rule, and then removes the rule.

DELETE_RULE Gram expr: SELF; "where"; opt_rec; let_binding END;

Who knows why, but we can thank them because their version is not great, and it gives us the opportunity to do it right! :)

Overall, this is a pretty big win for us. It tells us where in the grammar we want to put our where rule, and it gives us a nice starting implementation which initially kind of sucks, but which we can modify to suit our needs.

But the question remains: how do we implement this?

Overview of Camlp4 grammar extensions

(NOTE: If you don’t know a lot about parsing or abstract syntax trees, it may be beneficial to have a look at some other resources, like my article on parsing Python. We can’t fit everything in this article!.)

The OCaml preprocessing step is usually done by a utility like Camlp4 or Camlp5. The basic job of these utilities is to parse a bunch of OCaml source, and hand off the abstract syntax tree (AST) to the OCaml compiler, which will eventually turn it into a binary.

Both Camlp4 and Camlp5 are woefully underdocumented. Personally, I had better luck with Camlp4, so that’s what we’ll use to extend OCaml here.

For the rest of this section, our objectives are to:

  1. fix the where rule so that it doesn’t suck anymore, and
  2. glue this new rule into the OCaml grammar.

Let’s have a look at how Camlp4 expects such extensions to be formatted.

entryname: [ "levelname"
             [ pattern -> what_to_do_once_we've_found_pattern ]
           | "anotherlevelname"
             [ another_pattern -> etc ]

Collectively, this is known as a Camlp4 entry. An entry, very vaguely, contains a list of patterns to find (specified as context-free grammars aka CFGs), and tells us what to do with them once we’ve found them.

Armed with this knowledge, we’re ready to try to understand the old version of where. Let’s have a look:

  [ "where"
        [ e = SELF; "where"; rf = opt_rec; lb = let_binding ->
            <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $e$ >> ]

So it’s an entry called expr, which contains one level called "where".

The pattern in this case is: e = SELF; "where"; rf = opt_rec; lb = let_binding. The first part, e = SELF, is just a recursive call to expr, stored in the variable e—they could have just written e = expr, but for some reason they didn’t. We store the result in the variable e because we want to use the result later.

The second part matches the string literal "where". So, that means that so far we’re looking for a pattern like “SOME_EXPRESSION where blah”.

The expression rf = opt_rec calls another rule called opt_rec that optionally has the keyword rec inside it.

Finally, the expression lb = let_binding calls another rule called let_binding that matches to the part of let statements that binds values to variables. So, in an expression like let x = 10 in x+2, the let_binding is x = 10.

At this point we understand the pattern, but what do we do with it once we find the pattern in some OCaml code? That is handled by the expression <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $e$ >>.

Let’s break this down. (This will be easier if you know about lisp quotations.) First, notice that in OCaml quotations have the pattern <:rule_handler< OCAML_CODE >>. That is, OCAML_CODE is surrounded by a quotation open tag (<:rule_handler<) and a quotation close tag (>>). Never mind what rule_handler is for now.

In our old where entry, OCAML_CODE would be let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $e$. But notice that rf, lb, and e are all variables that were defined in the parsing pattern!

This is important because this code is basically taking those variables and splicing them into a let expression. More specifically, if you write let $lb$ ... and lb is an expression like x = 10, then the result is let x = 10 ..., since the $s tell Camlp4 that we want to splice the value of lb into the current expression literal.

So, to complete the example, if we wrote let x = z where z = 10, then rf would be empty (since there’s no rec keyword here), lb would be z = 10, and e would be the expression z. Thus, due to splicing, the new let statement would be let x = let z = 10 in z. Confusing, ugly, but equivalent.

This leaves one question. What does the quoting actually do? What is rule_handler? The abbreviated explanation is that <:rule_handler< OCAML_CODE >> will take some newly-spliced chunk of OCAML_CODE and expand it out to an AST in preparation for handing it off to the OCaml compiler. How it is expanded is determined by the handler rule_handler—someone registers a function to call to do the expansion, and it is called when we see the pattern. In the end, though, the effect is to take some new bit of syntax (in our case, the where keyword), rewrite it as “standard” OCaml, and then hand that to the compiler, which will turn it into an executable.

At this point we understand pretty much everything about the old rule, and we’re ready to fix it up to be more like Haskell’s where.

Fixing up the old where

The problem with the old where is that we are only allowed to have one expression. In other words, the following is allowed:

let x = z
  where z = 20

But, on the other hand, this other example is not allowed, because it has two binding expressions:

let x = z
  where y = 10 and
        z = 20

So our task is to extend the above rule to account for this. My solution the following (see full source here):

let_binding_seq: [[ rf = opt_rec; lb = let_binding -> (rf,lb) ]];
expr: BEFORE ":="
  [ "where"
    [ e = SELF; "where"; lb = LIST1 let_binding_seq SEP "and" ->
      <:expr< $exp_let_bindings e lb$ >> ]

There are only a couple changes here. The first is to add an entry, let_binding_seq which basically matches a single let_binding, and an optional keyword, rec. It emits them as a tuple, which makes it convenient to splice the parse results together later.

Inside the expr entry, we match the where keyword, and then following that is a list of one or more let_binding_seqs, each separated by the keyword and—this is denoted as LIST1 let_binding_seq SEP "and".

Important note: this syntax diverges somewhat from the Haskell syntax. In Haskell, we’d write something like this:

foo x = z
  where y = x+2
        z = y*2

In our extension, we’d have to put an and between the two bindings:

let foo x = z
  where y = x+2 and
        z = y*2

The reason for this is that one of the entries that let_binding depends on (specifically, fun_binding, as we see here) is right-associative and would group the above as let y = (x+2; z = y*2), which is not what we want. By interspersing and between the bindings, we force the parser to break them up correctly.

Notice also that after declaring expr we see BEFORE ":=". This is the location rule we talked about earlier—it basically puts this entry before the entry for :=. We want this because in the original grammar, you can see that where appears just before the entry for :=.

The last major difference is how we splice in the list of bindings into the chained lets. To do this, we define another function:

let rec exp_let_bindings body = function
  | [] -> <:expr< >>
  | [(rf,lb)] -> <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $body$ >>
  | (rf,lb)::xs -> <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $exp_let_bindings body xs$ >>

This recursively builds the chain of lets. The base case is identical to the original rule; in every other case, we simply recurse build a let for the current binding and recurse into the list. Note that the empty case will definitely result in a parse error.

Miscelleny and hooking it all into OCaml

The rest of the file is pretty much all scaffolding. Let’s look at the whole file:

open Camlp4

module Id : Sig.Id = struct 
  let name = "where" 
  let version = "0.1" 

module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
  include Syntax

  let _loc = Loc.ghost
  let rec exp_let_bindings body = function
    | [] -> <:expr< >>
    | [(rf,lb)] -> <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $body$ >>
    | (rf,lb)::xs -> <:expr< let $rec:rf$ $lb$ in $exp_let_bindings body xs$ >>

    EXTEND Gram
      GLOBAL: expr;

      let_binding_seq: [[ rf = opt_rec; lb = let_binding -> (rf,lb) ]];
      expr: BEFORE ":="
        [ "where"
          [ e = SELF; "where"; lb = LIST1 let_binding_seq SEP "and" ->
            <:expr< $exp_let_bindings e lb$ >> ]

module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make)

Let’s look at a few things that are important to understand.

The line module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make) registers our extension; if you don’t do this, it isn’t incorporated into the parser. It takes as arguments two modules. Id is defined at the top of the code and is used to identify what it is, containing the name and the version number. Make is the module that contains our actual syntax extension.

The line let _loc = Loc.ghost annotates code with the location we encountered it, e.g., the file, line number, and character offset. Loc.ghost is a dummy value indicating no location. This makes sense because this is a macro, which doesn’t exist in the source code of the project we'recompiling. This line exists as an important technicality: the quote expansion uses a variable _loc, which means you have to define it so that it’s in scope during quote expansion. It’s really annyoing and a bad decision point, but it’s necessary.

The line EXTEND Gram indicates that the following entries extend the standard OCaml grammar. Gram is the module that controls this.

It is probably obvious that the line END indicates that we’re done EXTEND‘ing Gram.

The line GLOBAL: expr; is a hack that allows us to skip global declaration of the entry let_binding_seq. You have to globally declare each entry not specified in this way, and we’d rather not do that for a variety of reasons. Note that expr already exists in the OCaml grammar, while let_binding_seq only exists locally.

Using it in real projects!

In the Makefile, you can see that I compile the souce with the command ocamlc -pp "camlp4o pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo" -I +camlp4 -c where.ml.

This results in where.cmo.

At this point, you can link it into whatever project you have, e.g., camlc -pp "ocamlp4o ./where.cmo" your_ml_file_here.ml.

To see the desugared version of your source code, you can run camlp4o where.cmo your_ml_file_here.ml.

The only issue is that it might not be usable with other extensions, but that is sort of the way these things go.

Wrapping it all up

So there you go, a shiny new where for all you OCaml fans.

The most challenging part of this journey was the incredibly sparse documentation, so I’ll list some resources I found helpful for learning how to do this.

If you enjoyed this post, you should consider applying to Hacker School, which is where this work was done. See some other stuff I did at Hacker School for more reference points. The space is full of some of the nicest, smartest hackers I have ever met. Working around them has been a joy and an inspiration.

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